Loans to individual farmers [including Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) i.e. groups of individual farmers, provided banks maintain disaggregated data of such loans and Proprietorship firms of farmers, directly engaged in Agriculture and Allied Activities, viz. dairy, fishery, animal husbandry, poultry, bee-keeping and sericulture. Loans sanctioned to Corporate farmers, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)/(FPC) Companies of Individual Farmers, Partnership firms and Co-operatives of farmers engaged in Agriculture and Allied Activities are also eligible under farm credit subject to specific conditions.

Federal Kisan Credit Card Scheme
Federal Kisan Cards are issued to farmers to meet their cultivation needs and non-farm requirements including purchase of inputs and other short term requirements and working capital requirements for allied activities in a flexible and cost effective manner.

Loans for Purchasing & Developing Agriculture Property.
Finance should not be a barrier for your dreams of purchasing properties for agriculture. We listen to your needs with our attractive loan schemes for purchasing and developing agricultural properties.

Homestead Farming Loan
The predominance of small size land holdings, the agro-climatic situation has evolved a highly intensive practice of growing crops along with allied activities around the home as an integrated enterprise. This practice is known as "Homestead Farming". Federal Bank provides finance for homestead farms.

Federal Kisan Suvidha
To meet investment credit requirement (excluding allied activities) of the farmer like irrigation, land development, minor irrigation, replacement of farm assets, plantation & horticulture, fencing, construction of shed, farm house, labour quarters, water tanks, farm mechanization, purchase of agri equipments etc

Federal Prathyasa Loan
Federal Prathyasha Loan is designed to provide credit to distressed small and marginal farmers, enabling them to prepay their debt to the informal sector against collateral or group security.

Federal Agri Mobile Scheme
With our Agri Mobile loan, get finance for new or used vehicles for agricultural needs.

Plantation Development Loan
Federal Bank offers loan facilities for plantation development.

Financing Commercial Dairy Farms
We provide finance for starting a new dairy farm or expanding an existing dairy farm.

Short Term Crop Loans to Non-individual Farmers
Loans to meet your credit requirements for cultivation of crops and other farming activities.

Loan against Paddy Receipt Sheets to the registered paddy growers of Kerala
To provide need based short term post-harvest credit to the registered paddy growers of the State of Kerala whose produce has been procured by Supplyco.

Financing Farmer Producer Companies
Financing Farmer Producer Companies by accepting Credit Guarantee Fund (CGF) Scheme

Financing Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipt (ENWR)
For meeting the short term fund needs against the pledge of ENWRs (Exchange Deliverable) of commodities issued by WDRA registered Repositories

Agri Gold Loan
Get the money you need when you need it! Your perfect banking partner offers you instant cash against gold at low interest rates.

Animal Husbandry Loan
Suitable for the purchase of assets / creation of assets/infrastructure relating to poultry, dairy development, piggery, sericulture, apiculture and fisheries development.

Poultry Loans
Provides finance to meet working capital requirement for procurement of day old chicks, purchase of feed, medicine, labour cost, power cost, veterinary expenses etc. till adequate income generation.*