Blog articles related to Deposits

Fixed Deposits Vs Cash Certificates- Which is better ?

Fixed deposits (FDs) and cash certificates (CCs) are common choices among investors when it comes to safe investment solutions. There are a few differences that investors should be aware of before making a purchase.

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How To Become A Millionaire In 10 Years

Although being a millionaire can seem like a distant dream, it is possible with the right investment strategy. One can accomplish this task in just 10 years with the help of Federal Bank's Millionaire Federal Savings Fund deposit plan.

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How to earn higher interests with Non-Callable Deposits?

Do you have idle money that you are not using? Are you tired of earning low interest rates on your savings? If so, Federal Bank has the perfect solution for you – Deposit Plus, also known as non-callable deposits.

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Why Investing in Recurring Deposits is a Smart Move

Investing hard-earned money into a safe and reliable option that will offer good returns is always a challenging task. For those who want a steady and secure investment option, Recurring Deposits are an excellent choice.

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Five Investment Mistakes that Should be Avoided

Investing one's money can be an excellent way to grow wealth, but it is essential to do it wisely. While investing, it is essential to remember that the market is unpredictable and returns are not always guaranteed. It is easy to fall into traps or scams.

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Start Saving for Your Child's Future with us

As a parent, it's natural to want the best for your child, including a secure financial future. It is important to invest in kids' plans to provide them with financial protection until they start earning for themselves. 

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Discover the Benefits of Tax-Saving Deposits

Tax-saving deposits can help one save money as well as make money, and they are a great investment choice that not only allows one to reduce their tax liabilities but also provides competitive interest rates on the funds deposited.

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How to open a Federal Bank Savings Account?

Savings accounts can be used for a variety of purposes including emergency savings, short-term savings and accumulating funds for a specific goal. You can open a Savings account with us online or by visiting our branches.

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Benefits of Fixed Deposits: A reliable investment avenue

Fixed deposits provide a secure way to grow one's savings while earning a fixed rate of interest. They offer numerous advantages over other investment options, which makes them a popular choice among conservative investors.

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