Download Federal Bank Account Statement using FedMobile
The statement provided by a bank for a specific account during a particular time period summarizes all the transactions and activities that have occurred within that account. It serves as a record of any changes in the account, including balances, transactions, and other relevant information. Obtaining your Federal Bank account statement helps to detect any fraudulent activity, ensures accurate tracking and recording of transactions, and provides a detailed overview of the account's financial history. This article will explain how to access a Federal Bank account statement through FedMobile, the mobile banking app of Federal Bank.
Follow simple steps to download your Federal Bank account statement using FedMobile
No need to worry about visiting the bank to get your Federal Bank account statement anymore! With our Mobile Banking facility, FedMobile, you can now download or email your monthly statement directly to your device with ease. Your data is fully protected since the online statements are password protected, making it secure and safe. Additionally, you can also view your account summary online with the same app for an even more convenient experience.
Follow the simple steps given below to generate your Account Statement using FedMobile app:

- Login to the FedMobile app, tap on the side bar on the Home screen, and go to service requests.
- Tap on ‘Statements’ and you will see an account summary screen.
- Select from multiple accounts and download/email statement.
- Select the duration to generate the account statement and proceed.
- To view the statement, enter the password. The password is a combination of the first four letters of your name/name of your firm, all in capitals, followed by your Date of Birth/firm’s Date of Incorporation in DDMM format. Do not use any special characters or spaces. For instance, if the registered name is Anu Thomas K, and the Date of Birth is 10-09-1965, then the password will be ANUT1009.