Nurturing ESG Goals to Drive Human Aspirations

For our stakeholders, Federal Bank is more than a banking partner. It is a force that nurtures their financial aspirations and translates them into realisable goals. Cognisant of our role in the lives of our clients, customers, employees, communities and the society at large, we remain committed to staying engaged with them through their lifecycle journeys. We are continually investing in their sustainable future growth to ensure sustained value creation.

Our Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) framework is aligned to this ethos. With environmental awareness among our shareholders and stakeholders increasing, we realise the importance of adopting ESG compliant sustainable business practices for long-term business continuity.

The Global Risks Report 2021 by the World Economic Forum identifies climate action failure and infectious diseases as the two most worrying risks globally. Of the 10 risks identified under Likelihood and Impact, six of the Likelihood risks and seven Impact risks are categorised as both, Environmental and Societal Risks.

At Federal Bank, business responsibilities are the foremost consideration in how we conduct our business, including our risk management and controls, human management, support for local communities, corporate governance, as well as our attitude towards clients and customers. As a Bank, we understand there would be many risks associated with the market. We look at ESG as an integral part of business, and take utmost care while framing strategies around this, as we do with other business operations.

As part of our endeavour to foster the ethos of ESG across the Bank, we are coming out with an ESG theme, in line with the principles of UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), to ensure that every employee is aware of the importance of ESG focus and the need to move forward on these goals responsibly.